Msc Computer Science and Mathematics degree with a placement year 2020-2025


The course is split equally in two between mathematics and computer science. The intended goal of this degree is to develop mathematical problem solving skills with the technical knowledge of software to be better able to solve a variety of issues in any field requiring computational, analytical or rigorous logical thinking.
My reason for choosing this degree specifically is in large part due to its malleability with regards to future career choices but also my growing interest in the use of large data sets to predict, discover and also create new inventions and knowledge. Below are a list of optional modules I plan on taking as my degree progresses although the ones shown are subject to change.
PS: Year 4 is a placement year hence there aren't any modules available

Year 2

The Basics

Data Structures and Algorithms
Fundamentals of Machine learning

Year 3

Getting hot with Mathematics

Computer Algebra
Differential and Geometric Analysis
Optimisation Methods of Operational Research
Numberical Optimisation of large-scale systems
Intelligent Control and Cognitive Systems

Year 5 S1

Trying to make things Intelligent

Intelligent Agents
Machine Learning
Statistics for Data Science
Number Theory

Year 5 S2

The Cherries on top

Scientific Computing
Theory of Partial Differential Equations
Projective Geomtetry
Collaborative Systems