Hobbies and interests


I play Piano, Guitar and possess the melodic singing voice of a Banshee on a good morning. My favourite genres to listen to are RnB, Jazz, Rock and 70s/80s but I listen to practically everything inbetween heaven and hell. Here is a link to some of my playlists on Spotify if you would like to jam a bit.
Spotify Playlists
Photo taken before heading off to a Hippie themed party

Slalom Skiing

Although in many ways I do not conform to most Norwegian stereotypes, Slalom Skiing is the exception (my cross country skills are quite horrendous). I have been on downhill skiis ever since I was old enough to walk. When I lived in Geneva, I was on my schools competitive ski team for two years. Dare I say, I am relatively good although it has been a while since I last slid down a hill at precarious speeds with two metal sticks on my feet.
Photo of my little brother and I in the Alps


I consider reading to be one of the greatest pleasures in life. My go to topics for books tend to lie within the realm of classical literrature, philosophy, and economics. Some of my favourite books are The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, The man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas, Physics of The Future by Michio Kaku, Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno This photo was taken as the sun was setting on the Mediterranean Sea, only thing I was missing was a Mojito.

Finance, Economics and Politics

Over the pandemic I gradually become more interested in the worlds of finance, economics and politics first introduced to me through the books "The Man Who Solved the Market". Ever since, I have been trying to constantly question and scrutinise my economic and political beliefs. As well as reading up on how to read company financial reports and statements to judge the overall financial health of a company and its potential future.

Long distance Running

I like to think I am above average as I do run quite often (although in the winter months I do tend to hibernate a bit more). I have yet to run a marathon but I am planning on doing one at some point. Some results I am proud of:
21 Km in 1h 50m with an average pace of 5:16 min/km
10 Km in 42m 34s with an average pace of 4:15 min/km
This photo was taken in the Norwegian fjords on a Summer Evening.


Big fan of RPG and strategy games. Favourites being Civilisation, Divintiy Original Sin (one and two), Halo:Reach and the Witcher 3 which is so graciously pictured here.

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde is, I guess you could say, one of my heroes. Not only due to the magnanimous pieces of literature he wrote, but mostly because of his eloquence, character, wit and grace. He was a man who reveled in the pleasures of life both physical and metaphysical. His religion was one of opulent decadence and beauty. He valued beauty, yet inner beauty of ones character was above all. This succinctly presented in the picture of Dorian Gray and The Happy Prince.
His charm and fortitude are traits to be admired and mirrored.


When I was younger I had originally planned on becoming a theoretical or nuclear physicist. Exploring the laws of the universe and its bounds. Although this changed, my love for physics has not diminshed. This love was first spurred by the book Physics of the Future which got 13 year old Louis so excited for the future that I had to be part of the scientific revolution taking place before me. I even got to visit the Large Hadron Collider (pictured) while in Geneva. The next physics project that I am most excited for is ITER. A fusion TOKOMAK reactor which if successful could revolutionise the way we produce electricity forever.


My interest in Mathematics started in my last two years of Highschool, I started IB Higher level Mathematics with an aptitude for Mathematics but no interest. My teacher changed this completely. She filled the class with energy and encouraged us to explore further, eventually, this grew on me and continues to grow. Pictured is the most famous fractal of all, the Mandelbrot Set. I see it as one of the many reasons and examples as to why I love Mathematics.


This world is so driven, shaped and affected by data that it is difficult not to be interested in finding patters and knowledge in all of it! Generally, I am interested in manipuating/analysing data and machinelearning, but I cannot even begin to fathom the endless possibilities available in the field of Bioinformatics which handles the most important data to us all, DNA. I hope to, once I have gotten a grounded understanding of the biological aspect of the field, to apply technqiues learnt in my degree to further analyse genetic code and potentially discover something interesting.